Sunday, July 29, 2012

Classroom - the beginning

Hi all :-)

For those of you who start late... Boo...
For those of you who start early... Doesn't it suck?

Anyways, I always picture my classroom through the decorating phrase so here is it from day 1 to now.

This is how my room looked at I came in... And no, the basket isn't mine...
There were 9 tables and 20 desks in this tiny room... I got rid of 5 and added 6 desks, we have 25 kids on average.
I had over ten extra chairs as well... And yes, the chalkboard is gonna get covered up...
So plain...
My desk area... after moving the furniture and unpacking several bins

Desks set up for the time being but covered with materials... cubbies filled too
The front corner will be my reading corner and I'm gonna do a focus wall next to the backpack hooks and bookshelves.
The board is going to be used as my "facebook" board... have you all seen that? I can't wait to do it
Adding a burst of color for student work with my student work tables

Definitely more to come soon. I spent Saturday making files, spray painting, laminating, cutting, stapling, and gluing. Oh the joys of an obsessive teacher... it must be PRETTY.

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